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Saturday, November 02, 2013. Tuesday, January 01, 2013. Is It Over Yet? Did the world end? Links to this post. Monday, April 02, 2012. Happiness Is The New Mid-Life Crisis. THE NEW BREAKFAST SNOB 3. Originally aired on WRIR 97. I have a Shirley Manson crush, a studio-production fetish and I love to roll in Garbage- especially when it is fresh, like this brand-new single.
Parents do a lot of thankless things for their kids. It starts with poop-filled diapers and carries right on through until the time they leave home. Among those thankless tasks performing taxi service ranks high. especially when in the midst of preparing for a particular event like, say, oh. Worst mother in the world.
Saturday, September 25, 2010. Wednesday, April 07, 2010.
Technically wine is healthy, right? Thursday, June 14, 2012. A Tale of Two Kitties. Iwanski and I have two cats, Autumn and Hattie. They are both old-ass 15-year-old cats. And recently, they have both decided to be more annoying than EVER. So we cut her a break. Oh, and if I pet her for only jus.
Some of my own family stories, and some others. Thursday, June 18, 2015. Forty six years ago on 17th June Dad was hit and killed by a wealthy drunk driver. But every year since then I have lit a candle for my dad. He is remembered and loved still. He was a good father and we were lucky to have him. We still have him in our hearts. He left school age 12 during the depression. A good firm but gentle father RIP my Dad.
What Would Jackie Wear? One woman, trying to find some sense in it all. Saturday, October 03, 2009. Mental candy in the form of harmless escape I suppose can be found on Facebook- which is fine! .
My life is an after school special. This blog contains personal, professional and political observations of mature city girl who has mooved to a small town- a town less than suburbia. It may also personal reflections on religion, sex, raising children, relationships and the state of the world as I see it. I am now a been there and done that twice mom. Yep, procrastination, denial, and avoidance. Ways to make the letting go a little easier.
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Bei Naked Mask betritt jeder Gast das Lokal in einem abgehängten Bereich und erhält eine Gesichtsmaske aus angenehmer Baumwolle oder Seide, die er sofort überziehen muss. Danach kann er sich ausziehen und ist bereits vor den danach eintretenden Gästen unerkenntlich gemacht. Wenn er ausgezogen ist, übergibt er der Garderobenaufsicht seine Kleidung, erhält eine Nummer und betritt seitlich den anderen Teil des Lokales. Der erste Sonntag des Monats wird immer Naked sein, der darauf folgende dann Naked Mask.