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訓練電腦認識情緒Training computers to recognise emotion.
Miniature Origami Robot Self-folds, Walks, Swims, and Degrades.
講者以貝殼生長控制為例, 說明簡單的蛋白質釋放控制就可以調節貝殼結晶的成長跟終止, 說明大自然早就處理了很多工程物理問題.
傳統利用明礬來淨水, 原理就如同豆漿加鹽一樣,藉由電荷吸引來產生沉澱, 一來時效不快, 二來明礬中的金屬鋁離子對人有害,不合適長期使用. 這影片介紹日本新開發出來快速的連續淨水裝置, 跟傳統凝絮最大的不同是在凝絮劑中加入帶有磁性的粒子, 所以不用等沉澱分離,只要利用磁鐵就可以把跟水中雜質跟凝絮劑形成的物質分離.
對水或液的體處理跟生活一點都分不開,市面上有賣一種超級吸水布, 不管什麼液體只要一碰就會被吸到布裡面去, 同樣的原理也用在尿片跟衛生棉上. 這影片展示的就是把水加入聚丙烯酸鈉Sodium Polyacrylate 後, 這種高分子把水抓入自己內部的網狀構造後自己膨脹起來的樣子. Design of Ice-free Nanostructured Surfaces. 雖然台灣很少有雪, 也沒有冰風暴, 但是在寒冷的國家, 怎麼讓表面不結冰是很重要的問題.
NTU Soft Matter and Active Material Lab.
訓練電腦認識情緒Training computers to recognise emotion.
Miniature Origami Robot Self-folds, Walks, Swims, and Degrades.
Of Imaging Ingenuity for Smarter Patient Care On Premises, In the Cloud, or Hybrid. In a healthcare environment that promotes patient engagement, making sure information remains confidential is paramount. Whether information is read more.
Scimago Institutions Rankings is a science evaluation resource to assess worldwide universities and research-focused institutions. Scimago Institutions Rankings has been developed by Scimago Lab.
How to cite this website? The Shape of Science. The SCImago Journal and Country Rank. Is a portal that includes the journals and country scientific indicators developed from the information contained in the Scopus.