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Wednesday, September 9, 2009. The briefing will contain a detailed section on altitude sickness and other medical issues . A general mountain rule is that you should not generally ascend more than 300 metres per day and for each 1000 metres that you do ascend you should take a rest day. High altitude 2400m to 4200m 2400m to 4200m. Very high altitude 4200m to 5400m.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009. Is a drug which can be taken to assist the body by improving the efficiency with which oxygen can be absorbed from the thin air. There is no disputing the efficacy of the drug. There is however a big debate as to whether and how Diamox should be used. There are three ways to use Diamox on the mountain . We carry enough Diamox in our medical boxes for the second and third options. This should not be taken.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009. Other Health Issues and Notes. Are highly recommended for headaches because they also thin the blood, so improving circulation and oxygen delivery to the body. Strong painkillers are not recommended as they can suppress respiration. Ladies please note that altitude may affect the menstrual cycle, so bring appropriate materials. I am very passionate about travelling. I have been very fortunate to see lots of places.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009. Copy from an African trekking co which is used expedition style. All communal equipment such as tents and cooking gear is provided by the climb teams. All personal equipment is usually provided by the climbers. Please refer to the equipment lists below. Total luggage should be kept to a maximum of 15kg. Soft kit bag 1 in which porters will carry your main mountain equipment. Wide brimmed hat 1 for shade against the sun.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009. Here are some tips to enable you to help us keep the mountain clean . All rubbish is carried off the mountain, even vegetable peelings. When between camps please carry your daily personal rubbish to the next camp. Please use toilets wherever possible to avoid spoiling the campsites.
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Discover the Pashun of the Son of the Plumber. What people were saying about Joozis. And why he escaped in a Balloon. What he said about himself. His claims to be the Meshugah , Promised in the Ishkibbibble. Miracles and shmiracles he performed. What this has to do with your life. Kodi Yesu Ndi Yani? It is not.
Est née le 31 juillet 1993.
KAARIS - PARADIS OU ENFER. Cadence Affectif, Coeur de Pierre Violente est ma Narration,. La vie ne me doit rien, et moi non plus.
Voici mon blog il est beau.