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Friday, February 4, 2011. So, just a few pictures to add. We had a great year. Emma is 18 months old and WAY busier than my other kids were. She is into EVERYTHING, climbs on everything and wants a part in everything. Trey is almost 12 and getting ready for Middle School. He is my little actor and loves to make people laugh.
Sunday, October 2, 2011. We decided to put our new trampoline in-ground! The guy Saturday morning to dig a giant hole in our backyard! He was so fast! It only took him an hour to dig the hole! After about 12 hours, the work was finally done! Tom, Cyndee and the girls. Sunday, October 18, 2009. Family Visit in Madison, GA. Tom, Cyndee and the girls. Sunday, August 30, 2009. Tom, Cyndee and the girls. Sunday, May 17, 2009. Saturday, May 16, 2009.
Monday, February 21, 2011. Every time I write something it sounds strange when I read it back in my mind. I usually just write captions for my pictures. Even if it sounds strange. Eleanor is a kindergarten kid now. She is a bundle of energy and brains. She is obsessed with animals, and .
It took us over 9 years but we finally made it back to Southern California for a quick visit. My mom called and offered to watch the boys so how could we resist a trip for the two of us? Luckily our great friends Darcy and Curtis are still the area which made it extra fun.
Thursday, April 21, 2011. 11with some gas left in the tank! I think I have a marathon itch. Work without a goal is.
Sunday, August 30, 2009. Saturday, January 17, 2009. Dad can still throw the Pizza in the air and make a mean pizza. Great tasting food too! .
Tuesday, September 23, 2014. Our Wonderful Attempt at a Gingerbread House. Tuesday, December 8, 2009. I am so excited! We put up our C. Sunday, October 18, 2009. and 6 oz, and 19 in. long! She is SO sweet and beautiful! Friday, July 3, 2009. Thursday, June 18, 2009.
La contradictoria vuelta sobre un verso,. El caballo ceniza cruzando a galope. El agua mansa de los ríos, y vuelven. Cuando el aire, las hojas de eucalipto. Mientras mi vida muerde de rodillas. Por no gritar el secreto de los valles. Lunes, julio 06, 2015. Una glorieta en mitad de una ciudad. Para quien llega por un camino de arenas. Martes, abril 21, 2015.
Si quieres saber como empezó todo, te diré que con una Palabra. Martes, 29 de abril de 2014. Arrojo cartas a la noche. Mi lugar es el viento. Lunes, 28 de abril de 2014. Ha caído en una grieta. Salí a buscar hasta lo que no tenía. El resplandor de mi alma.
Um infos von deinen Freunden anzuzeigen! Am 1308. Am Ende der Welt traf ich Noah wir verlosen 2 spannende Romane! Ein roter Koffer wie aus dem Nichts. Ehe sie sich versieht, schnappt ihn sich Marlene und ist auf und davon. de zwei Exemplare des spannenden Romans. Stevia süßes Schlemmen ohne Kalorien? Naschen ohne Kalorien und schlechtes Gewissen? Neue IKK-Mitgli.
By spleenventer on Tuesday, 19th January, 2010. Get every new post delivered to your Inbox. Build a website with WordPress.