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Sunday, October 2, 2011. We decided to put our new trampoline in-ground! The guy Saturday morning to dig a giant hole in our backyard! He was so fast! It only took him an hour to dig the hole! After about 12 hours, the work was finally done! Tom, Cyndee and the girls. Sunday, October 18, 2009. Family Visit in Madison, GA. Tom, Cyndee and the girls. Sunday, August 30, 2009. Tom, Cyndee and the girls. Sunday, May 17, 2009. Saturday, May 16, 2009.
With lots of love, silliness and frank moments; to all of our friends and family scattered from coast to coast. Wednesday, May 20, 2009. He really does seem sad it over, but not that sad. It was a good year for him and he made some huge strides. Miss Jessica helps out in the class.
Dit is een reactie op een korte brief uit de NRC. next van vandaag 6 augustus 2015. Maaike vindt namelijk het Clean Power Plan van Obama een typisch voorbeeld van symptoom bestrijding. Maar de oorzaak van het klimaatprobleem is dat er 7 miljard mensen op Aarde leven. Je kunt haar brief hieronder lezen.
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Sunday, October 13, 2013. We met up with the Nabaum cousins for an evening at Bear Lake. Ty like the waves crashing up on us on the paddleboard. We got these paddleboards for Christmas and used them all summer. Ty is very good about staying still and his favorite thing to do is throw Curious George off the paddle board and we have to go retrieve him. Good thing his Curious George doll floats! Playing with his truck in the beach sand. Look at his poor little hands reaching up! Ty loved h.
Este blogue serve para vos contar histórias muito boas. Domingo, 1 de março de 2009. Era uma vez um menino chamado Xavier. Um dia o Xavier viu uma porta na sala de estar. Então o Xavier entrou lá dentro e viu 100000000 de gomas! O Xavier como ainda não tinha tomado o pequeno almoço comeuas todas. Domingo, 8 de fevereiro de 2009. A caixa Mágica 1capítulo O início. Era uma vez um menino que se chamava Xavier. Uau, isso é uma caixa mágica! Sábado, 31 de janeiro de 2009.