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NORTH RAMPART EXTERIOR CAM TEST IMAGE. Sunday, 2 August 2015. Monday, 20 July 2015. Sunday, 19 July 2015. SWINE MEN - The House on The Borderland. Scanner portraits of abject Swine Men from The House On The Borderland - cheap rubber mask. Friday, 17 July 2015. Prop skull - off the shelf resin skull, sanded, repainted and aged with talc and fullers earth. Thursday, 21 May 2015.
Emakumeenganako Indarkeria Desagertzeko Nazioarteko eguna urtero azaroak 25ean ospatzen da. Beste behin ere, egun honen helburua, gizonezko eta emakumezkoen arteko berdintasuna lortzea da. Blog honen bidez gure kideak, neskak eta mutilak, arazo honetaz kontzientziatu nahi ditugu. Horretarako hainbat baliabide erabili dugu, hausnarketetan oinarrituta. Guk, PSIKOLOGIA -SOZIOLOGIA ikasleok,. Emakumeenganako indarkeriaz guztiok kontzientziatzea dugu helburu. Publicado el 8 de nov.
HhEyY MAis qUi VoilA! Viens vite assied toi . Abonne-toi à mon blog! BAh uèèèèè vaZiiii soit pAs MecHanT lache dEiiiiiiiiiiiii co0mmss.
Paris 2013 bidai kulturalerako txartelak erosi ahal izateko 150 euroko lehen sarrera, abenduaren 17a baino lehen egin behar duzue. Para poder comprar los billetes del viaje cultural Paris 2013, hay que hacer el primer ingreso de 150 euros antes del 17 de diciembre. Aurten 2010-11 ez dugu Londreserako bidaia antolatu. Hiru urteetan bizi gara esperientzia hau eta momentuz etena egin dugu.
ARTST 7A Art and Life Spring 2012. My project was an attempt to recreate the small hiding places of my childhood. The space I made captured the exciting and unexpected beauty of such a retreat. I expected the fort to be completely dark, but the sun illuminated the tapestries like stain glass windows. In hindsight, I also wish I had made the structure look more like a fort.
Saturday, April 16, 2011. Plan for children while they are at my house. We would play series of many games with 5 overs each. We will plan out accordingly, which would be the best way to play and win.