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Sobre la privacidad al utilizar Tuenti. Además en esta web hay otros muchos recurso sobre web 2. Insertando un canal RSS en Blogguer. Gorka Palaziosek nola txertatzen den RSS kanal. Blog honetan gure ikasgeletan erabiltzeko baliabide asko topa ditzakegu. Nace el curso 2009-10 como heredera de la red Heda. Hermanamientos Escolares Desde las Aulas. Ejercicios con Hot Potatoes en Blogger. Pretendo hacer una introducción rápida.
ARTST 7A Art and Life Spring 2012. My project was an attempt to recreate the small hiding places of my childhood. The space I made captured the exciting and unexpected beauty of such a retreat. I expected the fort to be completely dark, but the sun illuminated the tapestries like stain glass windows. In hindsight, I also wish I had made the structure look more like a fort.
Saturday, April 16, 2011. Plan for children while they are at my house. We would play series of many games with 5 overs each. We will plan out accordingly, which would be the best way to play and win.
Martes, 18 de agosto de 2015. Por fin puedo decir que me he establecido en el hogar, porque desde que volví de Berlín no he parado ni un momento. 191;Qué decir de esta experiencia? Está claro que Berlín es una ciudad que ofrece muchas posibilidades a todo tipo de personas, y dentro de nuestro mundo hay un gran filón de estudios y gente que trabaja como freelance. Por lo tanto es un lugar que recomiendo encarecidamente para crecer bien como individuo bien profesionalmente.
Thursday, April 7, 2011. The two years of the IB diploma have pushed me to the best of my abilities. i have tried things that i probably would have never attempted and i have learned a lot. I attended many different CAS projects and many different activities outside of school time. i expressed all my abilities and set goals through out the years. Thursday, March 31, 2011. We are now practicing for a much tougher performance. there is a music concert being held in april.