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Blog honetan, teknologia berriak eta irakakuntzaren arteko harremana lantzen saiatuko gara. Ipuin digitalak, oso egokiak dira haur hezkuntzan erabiltzeko. Nik, Tulipan txikiaren ipuin digital bat proposatzen dizuet. Adinaren eta irakasgaiaren arabera banatzen dira prestatutako ekintza didaktikoak. Lehenik eta behin, gelako programazioa be.
Hona hemen, ZENBAKIEI buruzko Power Point bat. Bertan, telefono zenbakiaren garrantziaz hitz egiten duen ipuina eta zenbakiak lantzeko ariketan agertzen dira. Bereziki 5-6 urteko haurrentzat zuzendua. Miércoles, 15 de abril de 2009. XXI mendeko trena guzti hauek informazioa bidaltzen diete enpresei.
Lunes, 18 de mayo de 2009. Domingo, 26 de abril de 2009. Agian Matrix mundua ez dago guk pentsatzen dugun hain urrun! Jueves, 16 de abril de 2009. Gaur egungo umea 70 urteko agurea izatera iristen denean, zazpi bat.
Jueves, 14 de mayo de 2009. Sábado, 11 de abril de 2009. Denok dakigu kontrolatuak gaudela, baina zein puntutaraino? Behar bada, hobeto da ez jakitea norainoko gauden kontrolatuak. Lunes, 23 de marzo de 2009.
Domingo, 12 de abril de 2009. Datu sareen bitartez, kameren bitartez, enpresen datuen bilketaren bitartez . guztiok kontrolatuta gaude, baina ez dakigu noraino heltzen den kontrol hori. Lunes, 23 de marzo de 2009.
Lunes, 18 de mayo de 2009. Honako sarrera honetan, Leire Ruiz, Yaiza Hernandez eta Itsaso Rodrigo egin dugun PowertPointa aurkituko duzu. Honako ariketa hau haurrek animaliak gaia eman ostean ebaluazio moduan erabiltzeko proposatu dugu. Irakasleak, haurrek bereganatu dituzten kontzeptuak baloratzeko erabili dezake. Lunes, 27 de abril de 2009. Era honetan, irakasleek beste .
Sunday, August 16, 2015. Today we talked in Roskilde Ward. It is probably the largest ward in Denmark. It was full and even over-flowing because cute Emma Østergaard Andersen is leaving for her mission in the Ukraine on Wednesday. The Østergaard is usually included as Andersen is so common. Wonder if you end up speaking Russian with a Danish or English accent. Saturday, August 15, 2015.
Sunday, August 9, 2015. The teacher texted to all of us and asked to send a picture of us with either our mom or dad. This is the one I could find. It is one of my favorite pictures from my last trip to Denmark and when we went to Bornholm. Tonight, Aunt Carol, Uncle Jay, Lisa, Niki and Neil all came to birthday dinner tonight. Elizabeth made some amazing ribs and everyone added sides. Happy Birthday Aunt Carol and Michael James! Posted using BlogPress from my iPad.
Articles, Interviews and Reviews. The Wacky World of G. Articles, Interviews and Reviews. I have moved and no longer post here. 8211; please pop over and see me there. The Lost and The Damned.
Monday, May 12, 2014. Dedicated to all who get to live their dreams. This was one of the best days of my life. We saw some gorgeous deer on the way to the lake. I think we saw a total.