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We talked that what items we should take if we have been sentenced to spend the rest of our life on an ninhabited island. We can take 12 items and there are enough water and food on the island. And we are provided with a solar generator. The three things which I want to take is. I will use it to scoop and store the water because water is necessary for us to live. I will use it to make fire because we have to use fire when we cook some foods or have a warm. 3, Camping car or tent.
The most useful approach to use in critically analyzing The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemmingway is Santiago as Archetypal Hero. 7, An Army Knife. Air Water Food Fire Shelter Medicine Fun thing. We can make a lot of thing from Woods and Rocks. But we need things the to not being crazy! .
ASP class on 21st May. Group discussion on 11th May. Group discussion on 7th May. ARW Essay 2 Final Draft.
In this class, we talked about what items we should bring if we are left on an uninhabited island. Then I chose items which are needed for each categories. A boy who helps him.
Our group decided to bring the stuff only for hobby. Of course MY opinion is a little different. How make A Presentation with Google. The main characters in Old Man and the Sea are Santiago, a fisherman and Manolin. A boy who helps him. Two adjectives that describe Manolin.
ASP class on 21st May. Group discussion on 11th May. Group discussion on 7th May. ARW Essay 2 Final Draft.
GRACIAS! Jueves, 18 de noviembre de 2010. Detective musical de 5º y 6º. suerteeeeeeeee! 161; YA TENEMOS GANADORES! El punto semanal del detective musical de 6º es para CRISTINA Y MONTSE. Miércoles, 10 de noviembre de 2010. 161; Por fin llegó el detective musical! Voy a .