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Wednesday, January 16, 2013. I finally have done it! I have posted an exhibition before the event. Has been kind enough to host my Maser of Fine Art graduating work. Back then it was my graduation from the University of Tasmania. For this exhibition there are new friends helping, som.
Facing the enemy and moving on. What would you do if you turned around and saw your enemy kissing your boyfriend? It became clear what I would do when I found myself in that very situation.
Sexual Transmutation - Sexual Potential, Self Development and Spirituality. Monday, August 16, 2010. What is the difference between normal sex and reaching your sexual potential? Normal sex is to relieve, it is to scratch an itch to satisfy an urge, a need driven by our biological chemistry, an animalistic instinct. Normal sex is like a drug. It stimulates neurochemicals that affect the way we behave and experience intimacy.
وطنى ليس حقيبة وأنا لست مسافر. هشام الجخ - مش كفاية. وما زال أهالي قرية بورين لغاية اليوم يقومون بتعبئة المياه بقوارير من تلك العيون وهي ملوثة حيث أصيب عدد 57 طالب بمرض اليرقان بسبب تلوث المياه وحالات الاصابة بالاميبا عالية. وفي الآونة الأخيرة تم إنشاء مجمعين للمياه لتزويد القرية بالمياه.