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Kelompok pemerhati dan pelestari arsitektur pasundan. Senin, 26 Januari 2009. Arsitéktur Sunda Aya di Baduy? Ir Roza, nu kungsi ngayakeun panalungtikan ngeunaan awi, ti keur kuliah kénéh resep kana wangunan Sunda téh. Naon sababna? Dina pantun, atawa dina carita-carita baheula, sok aya nu husus nyaritakeun wawangunan. Tapi tacan bisa dicokot kacindekanana, lantaran euweuh bukti-buktina.
Pada umumnya masyarakat luas masih belum begitu mengenal Ilmu Aktuaria. Apa itu ilmu aktuaria? Para praktisi ilmu aktuaria biasa disebut dengan Aktuaris. Tentu untuk menjadi anggota PAI bukanlah hal mudah.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009. I am not updating this blog anymore. Monday, July 6, 2009.
The longest journey you will ever go on, is the journey within. Posted April 18, 2014 by Wisdom Art. The owl, wisdom, the universe, gemstones and you. So where do you begin? The moment you were born in this world is a great place to start for many of us, your moment in time. So what could I share or create as I fiddled with a gemstone in my pocket? Ok, but why the Owl. You will find lots of info.
Let us return to wisdom. Friday, June 4, 2010. Realized today that in the natural, your altitude - i. , your accumulation of a pile of things you can stand on - can determine your attitude. But in the supernatural it is your attitude - i. , the belief that you are fearfully and wonderfully made, blessed and not cursed, can do all things through Christ, are more more than a conqueror - that determines your altitude. Wednesday, August 26, 2009.
The Mission of the Wisdom Arts Laboratory. Is to encourage and nurture the imagination, critical thinking skills, and citizenship of our students and instructors through art and science education. At Wisdom Arts Laboratory we believe artists can strengthen our communities and inspire resourcefulness and innovation. Winter, Spring, and Summer Camps. Being in Imaginary Worlds, by Eliza Henderson, born 2001. 526 E Orange Grove Blvd.