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Monday, February 19, 2007. Friday, February 16, 2007.
Sunday, November 2, 2008. 1 The Lord Jesus Christ and his sacrifice to atone for my sins. 2 The gospel of Jesus Christ and his scriptures. 3 The Church with all of its organizations that helps me implement gospel principles I have learned or are learning. 4 The power of the priesthood, its healing and sealing and saving power. 5 Health and strength and energy. 6 The light of another day. 7 A good wife and friend. 11 Being born an American.
Öù qùe là vie nÖùs mène ,. NÖùs nÖùs sÖùvenÖns tÖùjÖùrs de ceùx qùi nÖùs Önt àimés et qùi nÖùs Önt permis de nÖùs cÖnnàître mieùx ,. Ce qùi nÖùs Önt sÖùtenùs dàns des mÖments difficiles ,. Et àvec qùi nÖùs nÖùs sÖmmes sentis sùffisàmment en sécùrité pÖùr révéler nÖs pensées les plùs secrètes. Un petiit pÖème pÖùr mes àmiis,. TÖùs diifférents màiis tÖùs àùssii jÖliis,.