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When installing a new language, usually the website remains set to enter the site on the older language. There are no translations available. There are no translations available. At plugins parameters, Code cleanup o.
Yet another blog on System Center. New Configuration Manager 2012 Service Packs. Microsoft has released two service packs. This service pack will update your R2 installation. This service pack will update your SP1 installation.
Goal of the promise is to bring the asynchronous programming into JS. You can find many information on wikipedia. WinJS comes with built-in support of Promises. You can find more info on MSDN here. You call a native API. You build a library with a flexible API accep.
Tuesday, June 9, 2015 News. Prin acest mod ITCamp dorește să susțină comunitatea locală din Cluj-Napoca și nu numai. Workshop-ul urmează să aibă loc pe data de 9-10 iulie 2015. În acest an îl avem invitat pe Andrea Saltarello. Friday, May 29, 2015 ITCamp 2015.
Incepand de azi, mi-am mutat blogul pe adresa noua. Ce fac femeile cand nu se simt bine? Merg la cumparaturi, bineinteles. Rochite, bluze si mai ales pantofi. Ce face Moni cand nu se simte bine? Merge la cumparaturi. Asa ca ne vedem curand, pe alte domenii.
Getting Started with Microsoft Service Fabric.
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