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Tuesday, May 19, 2015. I also sent questions to a lot of family members two of witch I interviewed personally. Tuesday, April 28, 2015. Over my weekend I d.
Wednesday, May 13, 2015. Wednesday May 13, Final Project. This is my final project for Emerging Technologies. This project shows my ability and knowledge of using internet-based programs. My first link is an interview with my mom. She had good resources and information for my to use. This is my second link and it is my second interview. He knew a good amount about family history. My email was sent to my mom because she had good information and resources for me.
Wednesday, May 13, 2015. Tuesday, April 28, 2015. Wednesday, April 22, 2015. My groups stop motion project is a coke bottle rolling down the hallways then spinning down the end of the hallway and finally rolling into a trash can. We basically went down the 400 hallway and started about halfway through it and reach to the 600 hallway from there making it into the trash can. Friday, April 17, 2015. What was your stop motion animation about? I think my project.
Wednesday, May 20, 2015. This end of the year project was kind of difficult because we had to go in depth and find out things that were hard to find even with te help of family members. I got caught in a couple of bumps during this project but it was easy towards the end. Tuesday, May 19, 2015. Tuesday, April 28, 2015. What is the teacher trying to say? Tuesday, April 14, 2015.
Wednesday, May 13, 2015. Here is my Prezi of my family tree. I decided to track illnesses and whether they were passed down or not. Besides illnesses, I included birth and death years and occupations. I was able to find some origin, like from where my family came. For this infographic, I included the origins of family illnesses, which are mostly genetic. I also included some information on family origins.
Monday, May 18, 2015. First, I conducted interviews with my family members to gather more information. Next, I created a Prezi over everything I had learned about my family. Then, I made an Infographic which focused on where my family originated from. Finally, I uploaded all the interviews and presentations onto my blog to share with you! Researching my family was very interesting and a lot of fun! .
Friday, May 15, 2015. Who Do You Think You Are Project. I emailed my grandpa about our family. I interviewed my other grandpa. Using information I gathered through emails, interview and info I already knew, I made a Prezi, Family Echo, and Info-graph about my families history. I made one slide for each of my known family members. My info-graphic tells some basic information about my families history. Tuesday, April 28, 2015.
Wednesday, May 13, 2015. This is my final project for Emerging Technologies. This project represents my knowledge and ability of using internet-based programs in a creative way and also in a practical way. My first link is my interview with my dad. My dad knew quite a lot about our family history. My email was written to my dad because he knew so much about the history of our family. My dad was able to give me plenty of interesting information. Tuesday, April 28, 2015.
Farm Hosp, 7 de agosto de 2015. The Lancet Oncology, 4 de agosto de 2015.
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娆 繋璁块棶銆婂寳浜 啘涓氳亴涓氬 闄 鎶ャ 嬬紪杈戦儴缃戠珯锛? 鍖椾含鍐滀笟鑱屼笟瀛 櫌瀛 姤鎶曠 骞冲彴娴嬭瘯杩愯. 渚濇嵁澶х彮鎺堣 瀛樺湪鐨勫紛绔 拰楂樿亴瀛 敓鐨勪釜浣撳樊寮傦紝鍦ㄥ寳澶ф柟姝h蒋浠舵妧鏈 闄 殑鍏 叡鑻辫 鍜岃 涓氳嫳璇 鍫備腑杩涜 浜嗕负鏈熶笁杞 殑鍒嗗眰鏁欏 琛屽姩鐮旂 銆傜爺绌跺彂鐜帮紝铏界劧浠嶅瓨鍦ㄤ竴浜涘皻寰呰В鍐崇殑闂 锛屼絾鍒嗗眰鏁欏 寮ヨˉ浜嗗ぇ鐝 巿璇剧殑涓嶈冻锛岃皟鍔ㄤ簡涓嶅悓灞傛 鍜屾按骞崇殑瀛 敓瀛 範鑻辫 鐨勭Н鏋佹 э紝鎻愰珮浜嗛珮鑱屽叕鍏辫嫳璇 殑鏁欏 鏁堟灉銆? 澶栬 缃戠粶鏁欏 妯 紡鐨勯棶棰樼爺绌朵笌鎺. 澶栬 缃戠粶鏁欏 鍙 互淇冭繘鏁欍 佸 璧勬簮鐨勫 鏍峰寲,淇冭繘璇勪环鏂瑰紡鐨勫彉闈 備絾鏄 紝杩樺瓨鍦ㄧ綉缁滄暀瀛 幆澧冨缓璁捐蒋纭 欢澶辫 銆佹暀甯堜俊鎭 妧鏈 按骞冲拰瀛 敓鐨勪俊鎭 礌鍏绘湁寰呮彁楂樼瓑闂 銆備负姝わ紝鎻愬嚭鏁欏 绠 悊瑕佸叏闈 佹妧鏈 煿璁 鍒颁綅銆佹斂绛栨敮鎸佽 淇濋殰鐨勫缓璁? 鎴愬氨鐩 爣瀹氬悜涓庨珮鑱岀敓鑻辫 瀛 範鍔ㄦ満鐨勭爺绌? 浠ュ僵鍙舵爲.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering.