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Discounted USB Flash Drives in Canada. Bringing Back the Melodious Memories with Vinyl Records. Vinyl records which were used in the olden days have made its appearance in the music industry again. Several budding music artists also prefer creating Vinyl records for people who love listening to music in a classic and old fashioned way.
Škalska liga, ka te briga. Do Škalske lige 2015 nas loči samo še. Škalska liga 2015 pravkar poteka! Courtesy of Go Mylo Countdown. Škalska liga je zabavno taborniško tekmovanje. Začetki Škalske lige segajo v leto 2001, ko je naš dolgoletni in prizadevni član Sandi Glinšek za svoj inštruktorski projekt izbral organizacijo zabavnega taborniškega tekmovanja. Od takrat do danes se je tekmovanje postopoma razvijalo in postalo takšno, kot nam je poznano danes. Posebnost tekmovanja je humanitarna .
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