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Elenita Heights is a low-cost subdivision in Catalunan Grande, Davao City. This subdivision in Davao has affordable house and lot packages that can be availed thru Pag-ibig financing. Conveniently located north of Mintal proper, Elenita Heights Subdivision is a low cost housing in Davao City. 25-minute drive from Davao City, a short distance away from some of the best schools, such as the University of the Philippines, the Philippine Science High School and the Holy Child.
WANT TO VISIT ELENITA HEIGHTS AT NO COST? Just contact us and we can schedule you a visit. Or you can simply use the contact form below to send us your message.
A celebration of life and love as Eugene and Kyla took another milestone to their journey together as newly wedded couple. Afternoon Snack Party, A Corporate Event. It was an afternoon filled with positivity in building relationships toward the different organization in Davao City. Each facility and amenity of Villa de Mercedes is meticulously master-plan as celebration of life it combines the best in design with sensitive environment planning.
En plena sierra, rodeada de arroyos, bosques de molles, donde el cielo se une con el verde de los vallecitos y quebradas, se encuentra la Villa de Merlo San Luis. Su ubicacion privilegiada, su microclima - tercero en el mundo - el verdor de las sierras que resaltan con el verde mas intenso de los arboles, los saltos y cascadas, han convertido a la Villa de Merlo en un referente cuando de sitios soñados se trata.
Hotel and Spa en Asturias Villa de Mestas. Está enclavado en plena naturaleza, en Mestas de Con, a pocos minutos de Cangas de Onís, Covadonga y Picos de Europa. Sorpréndete en nuestro Spa Agua de los Picos de Europa. Recomienda Hotel and Spa Villa de Mestas en Google.