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You can observe a lot just by watching. Thoughts and insights into the worlds of television and film. Saturday, 5 June 2010. This will be my last blog post. The new site will also contain all my old posts and any comments people made on this blogspot site, so it should just be a case of updating your bookmarks and RSS Feeds appropriately.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011. At the Denver Zoo with Grandpa and Grandma Christensen. They were able to visit us over the past Presidents Day weekend. We had lots of fun and Carson and I got a night away. Dad took Lily to see Tangled. Home Depot has a kids workshop the first Saturday of every month. This month we put together little cars.
Chrysalis is a French sci-fi thriller I picked up cheap on Amazon whilst randomly b.
Samtök um lýðræði og almannahag. Eru samtök fólks sem er fyrst og fremst lýðræðissinnað og krefst þess að Íslandi verði hér eftir stjórnað lýðræðislega og með hagsmuni almennings í fyrirrúmi. Eru óháð stjórnmálaflokkum og berjast fyrir almannahag og lýðræðis- samfélagi sem hafnar forræði og forréttindum stjórnmálaflokka samtímans. Eru grasrótarhópur og aðilar að. Uppgjör ICESAVE og annarra skulda fjárglæframanna,.
I have a 13 year old sister called Deidre aka Didi. She is AWESOME! I have a bird called Polly. I was born in South Africa. Sunday, May 10, 2009. I was on what now last sunday.