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Wednesday, February 1, 2012. End of 2011 Start of 2012. He bought a Mont Blanc pen as it was his last day doing temp job for Cortina. one of the side dish from the restaurant was awesome! So tender and juicy! Went home after that. Their Ginseng chicken soup is awesome! Oh yea, I bought a BEBE T-shirt.
A Place for Crapology n Photography. Welcome to my paradise of Crapology and Photography. Tuesday, October 29, 2013. Hard Work over Luck or vice versa. Another interesting and debatable topic. HARD WORK over luck or LUCK over hard work? Again, this is a very subjective topic. Different people has different opinion, no offense. Well, I have to say I support HARD WORK over luck. The thing is that, how often will you have Luck? Furthermore, to have luck at the right time? You maybe really lucky, but how far.
Tuesday, September 17, 2013. It has always be my best memories ever. The decision to participate in this program had allowed me to achieved what I have always wanted. I always wanted to travel around the world ever since I was young. Make my dream came true! Thanks for her help, we managed to reach YNP on time and report our work there. We saw bison all the way at Yellowstone National Park.
Veronica Zemanova in a sexy purple sling swimsuit. Is relaxing by the pool in a purple sling swimsuit getting a tan. Her big boobs are bursting to get out, and Veronica is more than happy to oblige them as she opens up her swimsuit to let them enjoy the sun, and for you to view them in all their glory! Veronica Zemanova big boobs come out of her sweater.
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