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Thoughts on the Journey - my normal posts. Thoughts from traveling companions - Quotes to think about. Traveling Companions - Contributions from others. Food and Drink for the Journey - recipes. Friday, August 2, 2013. There it is - pork cutlets with onions and potato salad! Bread when fresh, is delicious.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011. I was in the 4. Grader who had to finish homework before playtime. Eventually I did get to that book, but for academic reasons only.
It is a creative outlet for someone who has a point of view and is brash enough to publish it! What can you expect in this space? March 28th, 2010. But technically it is a blog. Moments of Culture Shock for an Indian in Germany.
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Уманська загальноосвітня школа І-ІІІ ступенів 3 Уманської міської ради Черкаської області. Раді вітати Вас на сайті нашого освітнього закладу! На околиці нашого чудового міста є ще порівняно молода, але вже давно знана за межами міста і області школа 3.