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You Must be a member of the private Facebook group to have access. Please visit your local quilt shops if possible. we all depend on them! Need Some Pop-Up Inspiration? Visit my Brand New YouTube Channel! Check back weekly to see whats new! FQG135 Windsock Pop-Up - Available Now! .
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Purchase our easy to follow and fully illustrated patterns. View photos of other finished projects and share your photos here. Tips, tidbits, links, and more information. We empower individuals of all experience levels with the confidence to create fabric art by using our easy-to-follow design and instruction.
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Segunda-feira, 29 de março de 2010. Novo site esta no ar! Opa enfim tive tempo para migrar o antigo Blog para o novo site com dominio próprio. A partir de agora irei postar tudo neste site, resultados, calendario de provas, fotos, videos, news entre outros itens voltados ao triathlon, como ja vinha fazendo no antigo blog. Espero que gostem do novo layout . Comentários serão sempre bem vindos. Bons treinos a todos! .