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Log your rides, plus your running, swimming, and other cross-training activities. For each workout, keep track of your time and distance, route, workout type, heart rate, power, weight, calories burned, mileage on each of your bikes, quality and effort, interval times and distances, weather, and personal notes. See your month at a glance. The easy-to-use online calendar lets you see all of your workouts for the month. See weekly and monthly totals. Graph and analyze your data.
Registra tus carreras, además de tus entrenamientos de ciclismo y natación, así como otras actividades de cross-training. En cada sesión de entrenamiento puedes hacer un seguimiento de tu tiempo y distancia, ruta, tipo de sesión de entrenamiento, puesto en una carrera, frecuencia cardíaca, peso, calorías consumidas, kilometraje con unas zapatillas, calidad y esfuerzo, tiempos y distancias de intervalos, climatología y comentarios personales. Échale un vistazo a tu mes.
Houd uw loop-, fiets-, zwem- en andere trainingen bij. Van elke training kunt u tijd en afstand, route, het soort training, tempo, hartslag, gewicht, het aantal verbrande calorieën, het type schoen en hoeveel kilometer u er al mee heeft gelopen, kwaliteit en inspanning, intervaltijden en -afstanden, weer en persoonlijke opmerkingen vastleggen. Uw maandprestaties in één blik. De eenvoudige online kalender toont al uw trainingen in een maand.
See your training at a glance. The user friendly training log lets you see all of your workouts for the month or year. Analyse each one in detail, or summarise the whole lot to assess your progress. Ready to get started? .
Log your runs, plus your cycling, swimming, and other cross-training activities. For each workout, keep track of your time and distance, route, workout type, race placement, heart rate, weight, kilojoules burned, shoe mileag, quality and effort, interval times and distances, weather, and personal notes. See your month at a glance. The easy-to-use online calendar lets you see all of your workouts for the month. See weekly and monthly totals. Graph and analyze your data. Create and share running routes.