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Sunday, October 11, 2009. We have now had two ultrasounds that say a girl. I am more convinced by the ultrasounds. Nonetheless we are so excited and just pray for a healthy baby. Sunday, September 6, 2009. My cute kids on Easter. Hoggle Zoo with the couzins.
Saturday, January 21, 2012. Bell will exploit at any and all chances! Sunday, January 1, 2012. The kids go back to school on Tuesday. They are already gearing up for the big move home. They are counting down the days until their last day of school here. We took this picture just before bed the night before Sean left for Phoenix.
Entre 1 et 2 ans. Entre 2 et 3 ans. Entre 3 et 4 ans. Entre 4 et 5 ans. Votre Profil CV sera visible pour les recruteurs, qui pourront alors vous contacter directement Votre Profil CV sera visible pour les recruteurs, qui pourront alors vous contacter directement. Votre Profil CV sera visible pour les recruteurs, qui pourront alors vous contacter directement.
The home of the fans. You can drag and drop to rearrange.
Posté le 4 août 2015, dans Vêtements.
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