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浜掑崥濞变箰鍩庣綉鍧 澶у叏鎷熷 鍐呭 鍙戣 800浜垮厓浼樺厛鑲? 绂忓僵3d澶ц 佷汉棰勬祴鑲 唤鏈夐檺鍏 徃绗 洓灞婅懀浜嬩細绗 簩鍗佷節娆 細璁 喅璁 叕鍛? 鑲 崥濞变箰鍩庣綉绔欐父鎴忔満涓氬姟濯冲 鐔 垚濠嗘垚闆嗗洟鏈 閲嶈 涓氬姟. 璇鹃 缁勮姳69涓囦拱娆ф床鏉 冻褰 珵鐚滅綉绔? Span 瑁呭 鍒堕 犱笟杞 瀷鍗囩骇 鏈濋珮绔 寲鍙戝睍. Span 浜旈噾鍐冲畾鍘ㄦ埧瑁呬慨瀵垮懡 姘撮緳澶撮 夎喘澶у 闂? Span 鏈 潵涓ゅ勾鎴戝浗鑷 姩鍖栦华琛ㄨ 涓氬競鍦鸿 鎯? Span 涓栫晫鍚勫湴濉戞枡閰嶆贩鏈烘 闇 姹傚悇涓嶅悓. Span 绱 凹LCD鐢佃 鏈哄寳缇庨攢閲忛 灞呮 棣朹0. Span 涓 閲嶇爺鍒跺嚭鈥滈樁姊 紡绮楀姞宸ラ潰閾e垁鈥濊揪鍒板浗闄呭厛杩涙按骞? Span 浜旈噾浜у搧鑺辨牱璁捐 鎶婂ソ浜у搧鍒涙柊涓 澶у叧. Span 涓 浗鏃犳剰鎴愪负涓栫晫閽 搧渚涘簲鍟? Span 涓 浗濉戞枡鏈烘 鍒堕 犱笟鐨勭幇鐘跺強鍙戝睍.
We are continuing this daily chemo infusion for now. Felt discomfort in my left chest around 5 am on 3 Feb. Done ECG, blood test and x-ray and they seemed normal. CT scan showed a 6 x 2cm lump in the soft tissue between the heart and left lung, which probably explains the pain I felt upon deep inhalation. Whatever I need to know is being revealed to me.
Friday, January 27, 2012. A private art gallery located in Centrio Pantai Hillpark, Kuala Lumpur.