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Tuesday, November 12, 2013. Elijah had the coolest Halloween party at school. First a trunk or treat and then a dance. He broke out some moves without hesitation. There may have been some break dancing which with the influence of his friend, Levi, included bicycle kick spins on the floor. His costume was quite a hit also. Little tween girls were wanting to take his picture and he actually let them! Eli and his friend, Levi.
A site to call my own. My blog will continue over at the brand new. Please adjust your rss as needed. Yesterday I worked about 16 hours at a local polling location as an election inspector. And while it was exhausting, it was well worth it, and gave me a useful perspective on what happened yesterday. Then, this morning when the exit polling data came in, my experience seems to be the story nation wide.
If dreams were lightning and thunder was desire, this old house would have burnt down a long time ago. A huge update is about to ensue, complete with photos. I would put them in seperate updates, but then you might only click on one and never see the 3 or 4 before it. because who updates 3 or 4 times in one day? Not me. i save that kind of obsession for facebook. Click the button and read on! Anyway, let us start with Charles Bronson, or Charlie. Nonetheless, we love him. Here are pictures of charlie.
An inside look at the craziness that is our life! Monday, November 23, 2009. Grace and Eva started ballet back in September. Grace has since stopped taking ballet. The first day of school! With the Schneemann kids! At the bus stop with Elizabeth and Taylor.
Saturday, February 19, 2011. Squirrel that came up to the birdfeeder. It would hang upside down to get to the seed so Bob cut off the little branch he was hanging from. Cardinal in the apple tree. The wind blew the snow into big drifts that blocked the back doors. Even the deer had trouble getting through the deep snow. Owen and Ethan came over one day and we made play dough.
Meltdown at work kind of week. To make it up to me, for how terrible the job is, I was set flowers by my work, it is nice but weird. Here is a picture of them. I really wanted to throw them away but decided I was being too dramatic AND they are still pretty. So they are still in my office, smelling good. and I will throw them away after work today. Well, maybe I will keep two of them to put in my hair this weekend.
Wish I had a mango tree. Last week I went to La Flor with my friend Mari. She helped me with my Spanish. She became my first real second-language friend. On Saturday and Sunday I went to Orotina with my Tico family. They have a house there with a big yard and lots of fruit trees. Eating star fruit off the tree? Links to this post.
Tõde on relatiivne, aga alati olemas. Kõige lyhem ja kõige pikem on minut siis, kui oled oma kallima käte vahel ja kõik sinu mõtted on korraga olevikus. See on see hetk, kus aeg tegelikult seisab.
8230;an all diejenigen, die hier immer nach Neuigkeiten schauen. Heute hab ich dann noch die Buntstifte ausgepackt und jeder sollte sein Lieblingstier malen. So, das ist also ein kurzer Vor-Prüfungs-Zwischenbericht meiner Schulsituation. Ich habe von einer Spende aus Deutschland inzwischen Zement und Sand für die Bücherei kaufen können, wenn das mit dem Hochladen klappt sieht man die Bilder hoffentlich hier! Vielleicht können sich einige von denen,.
Artenschutz am Pilgerweg,ein NABU Projekt. Förderverein Sanctae Crucis in Montenegro. Diesen Post per E-Mail versenden. Wichtig ist die Neuerung beim Vogelnistkastenbau. Diesen Post per E-Mail versenden.
Diese Webseite bildet zusammen mit vernetzten Jakobsweg-Webseiten aller beteiligten Länder eine transnationale Informationsplattform. Auf ihr finden Pilgerinnnen und Pilger jederzeit wichtige Informationen, welche sie zum Pilgern auf dem Jakobsweg, der vom Osten Europas durch Mitteleuropa nach Frankreich und Spanien führt, brauchen.
Das Jahr im Ausland, mein Friedensdienst, ein weiter Abschnitt meines Lebens geht langsam zu Ende. Hört man Karibik , hat man sofort ein B.