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A strong desire to travel the world. I have an itch that I just can not scratch. A thirst that will never be quenched and a hunger that is never satisfied. I sit on the couch in my house writing this post, but my mind is elsewhere. on a beach one minute, roaming the streets of a European city the next. I close my eyes and I am anywhere but here. My brothers and I were involved in extracurriculars that requir.
The Last Ingredient in a Red Bull is Colors.
Thought of the Jay! My soapbox to the world. Thursday, February 28, 2013.
This is a word that carries much weight. Do we actually know what, or who we are? Why is it th.
This will take a little time to take shape. Are you sure you want me describe myself . coz i m myself confused . Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. Seriously just dont know anything about Me. Journey from 2008 to 2009. Thank You For Everything . Kalputai nuppa la gheun 1st tym bachha 2mnths chi . When The Solution Is Simple. Nupla Baal called her Poopa Pachi . Sunday, July 26, 2009.
Ist es nicht so, dass die schönen Momente im Leben oft viel zu schnell vorüber gehen und in Vergessenheit geraten? Wir wollen das ändern und haben dafür den TagebuchMessenger Thought of You entwickelt. Mit dieser App kannst du deine Gedanken, Erlebnisse und Erinnerungen festhalten, mit Freunden und Familie teilen und sie wie in einem persönlichen Tagebuch aufbewahren. Thought of You - Geschichten erzählen, gemeinsam erleben. Was ist Thought of You? Entscheide selber, an welch.