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A lot of things are going on with us lately. Like A LOT! Tapi yang ini kudu disempet-sempetin dah buat diceritain di blog! Februari 8, 2018. Bentar lagi weekend nih! Berhubung.
CLICK HERE FOR FREE BLOGGER TEMPLATES, LINK BUTTONS AND MORE! Just you and me. Jumat, 28 Oktober 2011. Dekorasi gue ditangani sama Dede dekor, hahaha pasti bingung ya? Karena gue dah liat hasil performance dia. Lagian dia juga sering joint dengan vendor dekor lain buat ngedekor nikahan di venue2 yang terkenal di Jakarta. Gak usah disebutin lah ya. Rabu, 12 Oktober 2011. Kami sudah pindah ke siniii. Maaf ya, absen .
Adyaraka, and the other things. Wednesday, August 17, 2016. Badai pasti berlalu, adik. Belakangan lagi musim sakit ya dimana-mana, mostly batuk pilek dan flu. Pada bilang sih karena cuacanya ga enak; siang panas banget, sore-malem suka ujan, dan anginnya juga angin dingin-dingin gimana gitu. Demamnya juga lebih tinggi, kisaran 39. Dibilang kecut lah, disembur-sem.
Mau memulai juga bingung karena gimana nih strateginya? Ada metode ini lah, ada metode itu lah. kalo saya, sebenernya yang jadi kendala tuh kesian ibu saya kalo harus ngepel-ngepel ompol, si mbak kan pp gak bisa stand by bantuin. Pernah ya dicoba kalo weekend lepas pospak. Ya ampuuun itu ada kali 15 menit sekali pipis fiuh.
Sabtu kemaren, 2 orang adik dan 3 ponakan Baginda Raja dateng dari Cirebon. Demi supaya A3 puas ketemu sama para sepupu, diputuskan untuk sementara. Pastinya diatas jam setengah 10 malem. Jadi semalem beres setrika, cuci baju, cuci piring, trus nyapu, pengennya sih langsung ngepel -secara saya paling geli sama lantai yang lengket- tapi apa daya badan udah nggak mau diajak kompromi. Rasanya udah rada meriang, mana A3 sus.
Monday, December 23, 2013. Ini post emang random bener deh. Tibatiba,pas lagi ngelonin Dev,keingetan temen SD. Jadi,ceritanya,ak dulu perna satu SD sama dia. Agak lupa sebenernya sekelas apa engga. Could be,tapi bisa jadi dia kakak kelas,karna pas kelas 2sd ak sempet nyusul bokap ke prancis selama setaun,dan balik lagi tetep kelas 2,krna ga ada rapot. Eniwe,back to the story. Kan ndak sopan,to? Makin malem,kekeselan gw berubah jadi marah. Gimana kaga? Trus,karna gondok ga bis.
The IP address has changed. The IP address for this domain may have changed recently. Check your DNS settings to verify that the domain is set up correctly. It may take 8-24 hours for DNS changes to propagate. It may be possible to restore access to this site by following these instructions. For clearing your dns cache.
Summer and swimsuit season is just around the corner really, it is, despite the sub-freezing temperatures and white stuff here on the ground in Northeast Ohio. The issue in question is much simpler and far more painful. I go through this d.
1 year, 8 months, 7 days. Ushering the New Year! Wwweeeee. SoIm finally updating my blog again. Wednesday, October 14, 2009. But I will, I will, I will. But I will, I will, oh yes I will. The only way to really know is to really let it go.
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I spent most of Tuesday on the edge of nerves waiting for the election results to start coming in. Cautiously optimistic yet preparing myself for bad news. In just a few weeks, the Supreme Court will decide whether to hea.