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CAMRA Surrey and Sussex Regional Cider Pub of the Year! This is fantastic news and we are all very pleased. Thank you to CAMRA and everyone who has supported us and our Real Cider! The Star has been dispensing beer for some 175 years. There were originally some 85 Pubs and 4 Breweries in Godalming, of which 12 Pubs survive.
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Thursday, February 4, 2010. Change is in the air. Change is in the air. Recently, President Barack Obama. Gave the first State of the Union Address. In that address, he mentioned he was voted into office because voters believed he would change the way this country does business.
I wonder when will be the day. That I actually have the courage. I really really really really want a puppy. And dare I say this, but I feel about 20 times lighter than before. FRY just asked me for my YEAR ONE comms101 speech.