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The mundane and sometimes insane ramblings of a crazy woman who almost had an empty nest and decided to be a mommy again. Since it was just the two of us, we were pretty happy with this and so very grateful to those who donated.
Get me in your Inbox! Wednesday, February 8, 2012. Lylah has still been having a lot of issues with her bowels and tummy. Last week, we saw our family physician. As I listed my concerns with Lylah, she pretty much laughed in my face. I ended up storming out of the office in tears stating that they were idiots.
All about balancing motherhood, work, relationships and life. Sunday, March 17, 2013.
This will be my attempt at losing weight, sharing recipes, going crazy and everything in between. Tuesday, November 15, 2011. I want to thank my girls for letting my share with everyone why you are all so special to me. There are a couple of things that I know for sure in this world.
The Real Housewife of Saint Paul. Cooking, crafting, and celebrating. Cover a Canvas in Fabric for Cheap, Cute Art. I found this awesome empty frame at goodwill a few weeks ago without really knowing what I would do with it. Surprisingly, I ended up using them together. Posted in The craft corner.
The Real Housewife of Tazewell County. Contact the RHOTC for Guest Blogging Opportunities. FABULOUS - Resume Examples and Tips for Back to Work Moms. Sarah is in middle school and I am thinking about going back to work. Making Truffula Trees from Dr. is super easy and SUUUPPPER CUTE! First things first Purchase List . Did you know that Annie Sloan Chalk P.
Saturday, July 7, 2012. When I bake or broil fish I typically flavor it in a Mediterranean way with evoo, parsley, white wine, tomatoes and onions. This time I gave it an Italian twist with a crunchy Parmesan topping. Sea Salt and freshly ground pepper. 4 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil. 1 sprig of fresh rosemary. 1 large potato sliced thin. 1 large tomato cut into large chunks. Salt and Pepper each layer.
Nu har jag börjat pula så smått med sådd och land. Började med att fröså två olika sorters tomat och två olika sorters chili. De har kommit upp nu och fått flytta ut i växthuset och samsas med mina älskade pelargoner och fuschia. Sen rensade jag landet från ogräs och dött växtmaterial som skräpade. Då hittade jag en övervintrad potatis och en hel rad morötter. De blev en fin råraka till kvällsmat.
This has nothing to do with the Reality Show. Thursday, October 14, 2010. As women we have many tasks on our plate. The kids, husband, boyfriend, or boo, our jobs, finances, our families, as well as friends.