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Otan blogissani kantaa ajankohtaisiin poliittisiin aiheisiin. Tärkeimpinä niistä sananvapaus ja tekijänoikeusasiat. Kirjoitan myös päihdepolitiikasta, maahanmuutosta, seksuaalivähemmistöjen oikeuksista ja satunnaisista muista aiheista. Toisinaan täräytän pari sanaa kulttuurista. Jos tekstini ottavat sinua päähän, voit painua blogistani kuusehen hevon ja mennä vaikkapa nurkkaan mököttämään. Palautetta saa laittaa, mutta pitäkää se asiallisena. Tuo sama asia oli uutisissak.
Call Now to Book a Table. Welcome to The Keel Row, Seaton Delaval - Country Pub and Dining. Community Vote Award Winner - As well as supporting several local charities, the landlady runs a free community bus service, which picks up elderly people from local care homes and brings them to the pub for lunches and bingo evenings. The Guardian, 12th June 2015. Make sure to follow us on Facebook.
This blog is to help keep everyone up to date in the world of Madeline! So, onto Maddy. She is still very advanced for her age in the gross and fine motor department, as well as the social aspects too.
So back two weeks ago I emailed the Broadcasting Production head and asked about how I could get involved with them. The guy seemed very excited that I had reached out to them asking about information. So I sent my resume to the guy who he directed me to.