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Thursday, July 05, 2007. Google services are NOT free. com are a Google service, this will be my last post here. and on any of my other Blogspot. Do we pay for their GMail, Office, Blogger, YouTube, MySpace services? PM - MSN Messenger.
Tuesday, May 08, 2007. To highlight useful non-fiction books, for those willing to expand their skills set. Most are going to be PC related subjects I find interesting. Playing Now On The Tube.
Tuesday, May 08, 2007. Technically not an extension, but a background skill which will come in useful for changing the default settings in some extensions, or recovering if you suddenly lose one. Like other browsers Firefox has some toolbars which can be customized to your needs. Many toolbars are thinly disguised spyware, but some are very useful and reputable. By default there are three. Back, Forward, Refresh, Stop, Home and the URL box.
Saturday, May 12, 2007. So Microsoft have finally launched the much delayed, much lambasted successor to XP Pro on the general public; who on the whole feel betrayed.
Thursday, May 10, 2007. The Long Dark Tea-Time Of The Soul by Douglas Adams. The trouble with the sort of shop that sells things like magnifying glasses and penknives is that they tend also to sell all kinds of other fascinating things, like the quite extraordinary device with which Dirk eventually emerged after having been hopelessly unable to decide between the knife with the built-in Philips screwdriver, toothpick and ball-point pen and the one with the 13-tooth gristle saw and the tig- welded rivets.
Monday, May 14, 2007. and yes, that IS the multi-talented Mike Oldfield playing every instrument. Sunday, May 13, 2007. Thursday, May 10, 2007. A Mark King bass guitar solo. Wednesday, May 09, 2007.
Saturday, May 12, 2007. A fair price of any goods or services in any economy is down to the difference between wages and cost. The reason we in the west have such a high standard of living is that we rely on our goods to be cheap compared to our average wages. This can only be achieved by sourcing them in a low wage country. If there is no disposable income to spend on extras, those industries collapse.
Saturday, May 12, 2007. I get rather annoyed by the people who claim George Lucas is a good movie director. He will be known for the Star Wars saga, regardless of what else he does. I have been a Star Wars fan since the age of around 4 in 1977, this does not make me blind to the movies. So what does make a good director? Here is my assessment.
Lernen Sie die Geheimnisse der deutschen Küche kennen. Lernen Sie die Geheimnisse der deutschen Küche kennen. Entdecken Sie deutsche Spezialitäten bei einer Tour durch die schönsten Bezirke Berlins. Heute ist es normal, thailändisch, italienisch, griechisch oder mexikanisch essen zu gehen. Doch wer kennt noch die deutschen Spezialitäten, die es bei Oma zu essen gab? The Berlin food tour. Entdecken Sie Berliner und Brandenburger Spezialitäten auf dieser Tour.
Saturday, May 12, 2007. I get rather annoyed by the people who claim George Lucas is a good movie director. He will be known for the Star Wars saga, regardless of what else he does. I have been a Star Wars fan since the age of around 4 in 1977, this does not make me blind to the movies. So what does make a good director? Here is my assessment.
Sunday, August 16, 2015. Sunday, August 09, 2015. Pie for Sunday dessert made be me. Monday, August 03, 2015. Fireworks at alpine dayspie for Sunday dessert mad.
Salut a tous ici vous y verz tout mes dessin et réalisation sur ordinateur ainssi que les montages XD bonne visite. Avis au fouteur de merde inutil de vnir ici pour metre des coms facheux par contre toute critique sur certain dessin ou montage sont les bienvenue afin de me corriger sur certain point.
O ile wiem, nie ma jednej konkretnej opowieści - powiedziała z zadumą Raelis, dzieląc uwagę między mnie a odbywającą się właśnie próbę. - Podczas naszych podróży wyłapywałam tylko zasłyszane skrawki i z tych skrawków ułożyłam sztukę. Być może nawet nie ma nic wspólnego z rzeczywistością, ale uważam, że opowieści również są ważne. Ha, o wilku mowa, a wilk tuż. Gdy na scenie pojawiła się Airínn i zaczęła wyśpiewywać bardzo poetycką i mglistą w treści pieśń o wy.