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Drewniane pudełeczko z czterema przegrudkami. Ozdobione motywem kolorowych folkowych ptaszków. Z zewnątrz pudełko ozdobione drewnianymi dekorami zakupionymi na Eko - Deco. Do kompletu drewniany ptaszek zodobiony pasującym kwatowym motywem. Sobota, 4 kwietnia 2015. Pełnych wiary, nadziei i miłości.
For people who love to curl up with a good book. Wednesday, March 9, 2011. I enjoyed it as much as Strike Zone. The series continues with Ho, Humbug, Ho.
The place where the struggle to fully embrace a Jesus-filled life begins. Wednesday, June 17, 2015. I happen to see this while browsing the Notes section of my mobile phone. We were asked to think of something that we want to declare for year 2015. And I declared, LOVE. And YOU WILL FIND ME. YOU WILL FIND ME and our lives will never be the same again.
How do you define success? Oh yes, I did love to answer those success. But dreams do come true. And to seal the deal, I have finally received my first 2-star review. I thought I should congratulate myself. After all, I have written one. Who knows how many I can write? August 18, 2015. Awesome Review from Ms Jessica of LifeAfterBooks.
What lies behind us and what lies ahead of us. Wenn du nichts Neues schreiben kannst, schreib lieber gar nichts. Sei es aus Erschöpfung und der Tatsache, dass Kopf, Intellekt und Konzentrationsfähigkeit derzeit einem aufgeweichten Brötchen gleichen. Diese zunehmenden Entwicklung zur virtuellen Stummheit mag ich nicht, ein bisschen ängstigt sie.