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Tuesday, February 10, 2015. Dark Days Bright Tunnel . at all the things that one could say . we only truly know . what we can put into words . what have you been telling yourself? What have you been talking about with others? Can one really lie to themselves? What will you choose to reflect? You are your own mayker.
A flesh bag transportation matrix from point a to point b . although point b could very well be point . Sunday, July 13, 2014. Reminiscing bout when things were slower. And in the palm of our hand was the answer the entire time . Wear your heart on ur sleave . but dont forget to roll them jawns up! Bright as the light . We humans, those lumens . The love is in the lock! Embrace the moment embrace it all! Inside this .
What new, whats news, whats known. Wednesday, January 4, 2012. The gate or the gate keepers. DiY till YOU Die, you say? Oh your good. nest! Ask another visitor like yourself to guide you .
Friday, March 23, 2012. Im so glad you could make it and on your birthday! Of all days . Well i guess its everyday so no big deal . its hatching! You dont have one you say? A head or an egg? Oh well thats okay . However there are MORE than just ONE! .
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