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Talking Turkey at Yale and Elsewhere. Direct talk, with a touch of the Old Yale Blues. Saturday, December 12, 2009. Saturday, December 12, 2009.
Saturday, January 16, 2010. Echoes of Dante, Gettysburg, and Port au Prince. The horror and chaos and agony in the aftermath of the earthquake in Haiti this week remind me of the descripton of the aftermath of the Battle of Gettysburg. Three thousand to five thousand horses had been killed and their bloated bodies were set afire on the battlefields to prevent disease. When I was a kid and Ike was President, First Lady Mamie Eisenhower,digging in her. For the moment, bless those who relieve the suffering.
Het is jullie ongetwijfeld al opgevallen dat er sinds vorige week geen nieuwe blogposts meer zijn verschenen op 2Z1G. Hebben we dikke mot gekregen met elkaar? Zijn we elkaar in de haren gevlogen? Dat zou nog eens. One hell of a blogpost.
Larangan Bekerjasama dengan Penguasa yang Jahat. Sesudahku kelak kalian akan dipimpin oleh para penguasa yang berkata berdasar landasan ilmu dan berbuat berdasar landasan ilmu. Mentaati mereka merupakan ketaatan y.
Doa - Usaha - Ilmu - Taqwa. Teman - Hati - Klasik. Jumat, 05 September 2014. Cukup pioner biru yang rasakan. Lama kau belokkan jalan ini. Hingga koordinatnya tak kutemukan lagi. Minggu, 16 Juni 2013.
A Proud Father and Husband . Monday, August 22, 2011. Got tagged in this very touching story by one of my long lost childhood friend hehehhe. The title was very down to earth and holds very dearly to my heart and existence. I technically cried every time I read it. Just spare a few minutes and understand the core message of this truly beautiful story. Ayah baru balik dari sawah.