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Thursday, February 6, 2014. Little page for practice and fun. Deathstroke costume inspired by Arrow CW TV show. I just wanted to draw Slade with great sword but then I . I just had to draw a dragon xD. Tuesday, August 13, 2013. I love this series so much. I altered his design a bit, new logo, gloves and a bit different jacket I hope you will like it. Wednesday, August 7, 2013.
Plasma Decapsualtion and Acid Decapsulation Systems. Reel-to-Reel High Speed Automatic X-Ray Inspection AXI. Akrometrix - Automated Flatness Inspection. Camtek - Automated Optical Inspection Systems.
Tak, jestem teraz też na artstation! Ciemna szata graficzna i przejrzysty interfejs świetnie się sprawdzają. Uproszczony też został proces dodawania grafik, a samo logowanie może odbywać się za pomocą Facebooka. Czyli jest nacisk na storytelling, biznes, planowanie projektu i wszystko co oscyluje dookoła tego tematu. SVS Society of Visual Storytelling.
Rund 20 aktive Mitstreiter erfüllen die UI mit Leben. Gemeinsam setzen wir uns in unserer Freizeit in und für den Landschaftsraum entlang der einstigen deutsch-deutschen Grenzlinie im Süden Berlins ein. Wir sind als Umweltinitiative nicht grundsätzlich gegen etwas -.
Um dos poucos blogs cujo autor já afiou o seu proprio dedo num afia-lápis. Domingo, 27 de janeiro de 2008. Este post está a ser postado com 13 horas e 35 minutos de atraso. Isto porque foi ontem, e não hoje, que este blog completou dois anos de existência. Então a que se deve este atraso? Foi por isso que decidi acabar com o blog. Nestas condições o blog não pode continuar. se algum dia tiver tempo. Mas já não será neste blog. Mas eu vou passando pelos vossos, quando puder.
FAMILY PREHISTORIC SURVIVAL DAY OUT. Welcome to Beyond2000BC where you are invited to rediscover the world of our ancient ancestors. Offering a unique range of workshops, events and products, designed to reconnect you with the ways of the past, we invite you to come and share a prehistorc experience. All Images and Text Beyond2000BC 2012.