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BI杈呭姪鍚勪釜琛屼笟鐨勭粡钀ヨ 呭拰绠 悊鑰咃紝閫氳繃瀹 埛鐨勫熀纭 灞炴 у拰鍘嗗彶琛屼负鏁版嵁锛屾洿娣卞叆鐨勮 鐭ュ 鎴枫? BI閫氳繃KPI銆佹姤琛ㄣ 佹暟鎹 垎鏋愬強棰勬祴鍒嗘瀽绛夋墜娈碉紝杈呭姪鍚勪釜琛屼笟鐨勭粡钀ヨ 呭拰绠 悊鑰呰繘琛岀 瀛 殑鍐崇瓥銆? BI閫氳繃瀵瑰 鎴风殑鍒嗘瀽锛岃緟鍔 涓氱粡钀ヨ 呬负瀹 埛鎻愪緵鏇村姞浼樿川鍜屼釜鎬у寲鐨勬湇鍔? BI閫氳繃鏁版嵁鍒嗘瀽锛屽彲浠ヤ娇鑽 搧銆佹湇鍔 瓑浜у搧鐨勭爺鍙戞洿鍔犵 瀛? 妯 瀷鐨勮 缁嗕俊鎭 渶瑕佸叕鍙告巿鏉冿紝鍏蜂綋鎯呭喌璇峰挩璇 叕鍙哥殑瀹? 涓婁紶鐨勬暟鎹 牸寮忔湁涓ユ牸瑕佹眰锛岃 鏍稿 鏁版嵁銆? 妯 瀷楠岃瘉锛岄渶瑕佸厛鏍规嵁妯 瀷璇存槑锛屼笂浼犵浉搴旀暟鎹 紝绯荤粺浼? 濉旂綏淇 伅鎶 鏈 叕鍙? 涓婃捣濉旂綏淇 伅鎶 鏈 湁闄愬叕鍙? .
This blog preserves and expands the work with the Thoth Tarot deck begun by the Tarot Inspiration website hosted by Geocities, which no longer exists. The original site was designed to be a collaboration of ideas from the tarot community to enhance understanding and generate mutual inspiration. I continue it here in the same spirit. Tuesday, September 27, 2011.
This tumblr here is ah entirely separate account which caused issues. We wanted it to be a sub blog so we can introduce new admins in the future.
Suscribirse a el Tarot de Isis. Miércoles, 15 de diciembre de 2010. Video de Olga Mª Perez-Traverso sobre el Tarot. Os paso este video, publicado en blip tv por Luis Palacios. En esta entrevista, Olga Mª Perez-Traverso nos hace una introducción al Tarot. Podeis ampliar la información en la página de Olga Mª.