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Zaterdag, mei 12, 2012. Vandaag is het dan zover. Je wordt 6 en als je 6 wordt wil je nog graag een feestjurk en natuurlijk mag oma die maken. Een tijdje terug had Lisa het jurkje gezien wat ik gemaakt had voor het buurmeisje en die wilde zij natuurlijk ook heel graag. U vraagt en oma draait. Het is het bekende Elodie patroon van Collicolli. Ook nog even voor tussendoor een Roos 5011 tuniekje. Zaterdag, april 07, 2012. Even over na moeten denken. Het is een heel leuk jurkje geworden.
With a woeful agony,. Which forced me to begin my tale;. And then it set me free. Since then at an uncertain hour,. And till my ghastly tale is told. This heart within me burns. Friday, December 29, 2006. Wanda and yui wanna do kigurumi. Not me though, ganguro.
Porque o Cinema é uma viagem pessoal de 12 décadas e não apenas a promoção dos filmes que estão a estrear. Quarta-feira, 5 de agosto de 2015. Woody Allen consegue ser extremamente eficaz com as suas letras brancas em fundo preto, desde que a selecção de musica seja a apropriada.
Tuesday, August 07, 2012. The Stranger - Albert Camus. Overall it was quite a fast read but still good nonetheless. i really didnt like the starting at first. As it was very choppy. the whole first few chap was the narrator telling thing which he did. It was very dull and unbearable but on hindsight, it made perfect sense. A first person perspective and by continuing reading it, the reader will start to understand that is. Just how the protagonist is. Funeral, the char did not cry once.