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Los Mejía Arango y Arango Mejía. Sábado, 9 de diciembre de 2017. Arangos, Judios; derecho a la nacionalidad española. Conferencia preparada para el Congreso 2017 de la Asociación para el Estudio de las Genealogías e Historia del Antiguo Cauca - GENCAUCA. Ginebra, Valle del Cauca, Colombia. Diciembre 8 y 9 de 2017. Averiguando sobre el tema, encontr.
Sons of the White eagle with the Northern lion. Our ancestors arrived from the Kingdom of Sweden to the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth mostly between 1587 and 1659, under the rule of the House of Vasa over both countries. They were military in the Polish-Swedish wars between the Protestant and Catholic branches of the Vasas.
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