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Sustainability and the Rockies seem perfect for each other. We will cover eco-sustainable-socially-aware news and reviews. Sunday, August 15, 2010. A lot of the research Sustianable 1000 did in Colorado ended up being related to how the effort has to be a combined one so, I thought it would be interesting to look at how recycling and sustainability is doing internationally. After all, we all live on one planet.
Join us on our trip though Sustainable Idaho. Monday, June 28, 2010. As the trip to your beautiful city is wrapping up I am reminded of why I started this journey. Meeting Brenda from Habitat for Humanity. Her husband Don, Robert from a local housing organization, and Don Aslett the creator of the Clean Museum. Check for videos of them soon on Youtube. I completed more work on the videos from Salt Lake City. I realized that each one takes about 3 hours from start to finish including a long upload pro.
New Mexico has a thriving green community and perspective on sustainability. Join us as we explore this section of the country. Thursday, September 2, 2010. Want help finding your next phone? Any eco-consumer who has ever started upon the task of purchasing a new gadget knows what a daunting task it can be. Where do we start? What features are we looking to find? What do all those abbreviations mean? Something that we can use to compare gadgets in a way that makes sense to the non-tech-savvy.
Sustainable 1000, the eco road trip is visiting Oregon in April 2010. After meeting folks in these towns, we will return 2-3 times per month via internet radio with interviews with local green experts. Saturday, July 24, 2010.
Join us on our trip though beautiful Wyoming! Thursday, July 1, 2010. Today with Frank from EZ Rocking Ranch. We discussed how local food can benefit the economy and communities. Wednesday, June 30, 2010.
We are currently working on updating our blog.
Sustainable 1000 ventures through this sunny state twice monthly with our radio shows. In May 2010, the Eco Road Trip was a success at bringing together local businesses, governments, and nonprofits to explore how sustainability can create jobs and save people money. Tuesday, November 16, 2010.
Join us on our travels through the warm state of California as we talk with people who have a variety of ways to look at sustainability and what it means to be green. Saturday, July 24, 2010. The Responsibility of Art and Sustainability. But have we ever thought about sustainability in relation to art as a whole? Sustainable 1000 was able to interview Greg Schenk. Monday, May 31, 2010.
SUSTAINABLE MEDIA ist eine Büro-Gemeinschaft für PR-aufgaben, Projektmanagement und journalistische Aufgaben mit Sitz im Werkheim Hamburg. Wir gestalten auch und entwickeln t echnische Internet-Lösungen,. Im Reise- und Motorradjournalismus sowie für PR-Projekte sind wir als Schreiber und Fotografen tätig. Werfen Sie einen kurzen Blick auf unsere drei Arbeitsbereiche WEB SOLUTIONS. 49 172 45 227 63.
Asociación de Estudios Literarios y de Cultura, A. Jornadas Literarias y de Cultura.