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Nedjelja, prosinca 06, 2009. Moje neprospavane noći su mnoge, moje slutnje, loši dani i besane noći, prožete buđenjem, ljekovima i konačnim odlascima na hitnu su mnogi. Spadam pod ljude koje nazivaju čudacima, vukovima samotnjacima, onima koji ne znaju biti u čoporu, koji vole samoću. Oko svoje 19-e prestao sam se to pitati, digao sam definitivni zid, nitko ga nije mogao probiti. Srijeda, listopada 28, 2009. Grozno osjećao, kako se osjećam radi facebooka.
Thursday, January 23, 2014. This will go a long way in empowering victims and taking some of the reward for rape from the rapist.
Supporting a Sexual Assault Survivor. After a sexual assault, you have many options. Understanding and choosing between these options is often confusing. The process can feel overwhelming, complicated and unwelcoming. Information, support and resources are available to help you find your path to healing and justice. If you are a survivor of sexual assault. Information, resources, and guidance can help if you are supporting a survivor.
Sábado, 5 de marzo de 2011. La caducidad real de los alimentos. Todo buen surviver debería tener un buen stock de alimentos enlatados , aquí tenemos información de su caducidad real, para hacernos una idea.
The Adventures of Surviverman in Wurm Online. Monday, September 3, 2012. My trip there was easy and relaxing. I found a few dead animals, including a bison! Kyara was nothing like I expected. It was breathtaking! Another view of Kyara.