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وأغبطهم حقا على ذلك - ذهبت للنوم . وهو شئ لا أنصح أبدا أي انسان أن يفعله بعد مشاهدة مثل هذه الأشياء. فقد عشت ليلة طويلة من الكوابيس .
ان نفسالم يشرق الحب فيها هى نفسالم تدرى ما معناها ان بالحب قد وصلت الى نفسى وبالحب قد عبت الله. مرسلة بواسطة call to liberty. كل حاجة وعكسها موجود فى الدنيا يا ترى.
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tu nous aiime pô ; sa tombe biien ; nous non plus ;D. C meiilleure! Piij-party ; chez moua ; sa aussii a se refaire! Mort de riire ;Moua tro0o0op a la bourre! Tkt ; toujours copii.
Sunday, November 28, 2010. Happy Birthday to myself! Hello guys, few days back is my BIRTHDAY! Bet not many people knew it only some of my close people, haha. Alright, shall elaborate on. Woke up at 9am, sun is shining as bright as ever! The sun knew it was my birthday today, hahahaha. Mom gave a ang pao, bo bian must accept. Nothing from them because they already brought my a new pair of gym shoes! Jia Bian gave me 1 big block of chocolate, want me to turn my muscle to fats! Jiabian.
On April 1st 2006 the world changed. Night fell calmly over the United Kingdom as it had always done so and the people felt safe. Safe and content in the belief that their world would no longer be threatened by external forces. But at what cost? The ones you love, or will you stand to witness the world collapse.