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Why do you go away? So that you can come back. So that you can see the place you came from with new eyes and extra colours. And the people there see you differently too. Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving. Thursday, July 20, 2006.
Integrato comunitario, hanno determinato questa sit.
The position of the blocks have been saved. A toi aussi sa me vas droit au coeur. De rien on est ensemble mari.
July is almost over but I did not forget about the Monthly Freebies! Almost did not forget about it! My son is technically a Pre-Schooler now so I am even more pressured to come up with new activities. For him, especially ones that teach Numbers, the Alphabet and Colors. What Your Kid Can Learn. Your kid can practice his grip, round strokes, coloring abilities and focus! The Day Our Washer Broke.
Esforços experimentais fúteis na tentativa de contornar o Princípio da Incerteza. Taí um cara com coisas para falar. Adoro longas cadeias de dominó. Reflexões do meu troglodita favorito. O grilo falante da imprensa científica. comum a quem? O que começou tudo por aqui. No fim, para que servem os amigos? Uma amiga minha que virou croata. Sexta-feira, dezembro 21, 2007.