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NATIONAL COMMISSION PANKIDO AND MARTIAL ARTS OPEN. Wednesday, March 2, 2011. Within the results from the 11th call for projects Clusters POWERMATE, labeled Pôle Mer Paca was selected among 83 projects clollaboratifs R and D. Thanks to the simplification of the mechanical system Powermate, the price of the connector will drop drastically.
Pascale Thomasson et Bertrand Magnien, agriculteurs savoyards et alénois, vont se sentir bien seuls au sein du groupe de réflexion. Monté par Bruno Le Maire.
Eine Exkursion der ETG Kurzschluss e. The annual excursion is organized by ETG Kurzschluss , the biggest university group at the Friedrich Alexander Universität Erlangen Nürnberg. Following detailed preparations, a group consisting of 15 students plus one PhD student are going to visit different cities in China and South Korea from 25th of February until 25th of March.
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Un viaggio dalla laguna alla metropoli.