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When I see you the World stops. It stops and all that exists for me is you and my eyes staring at you. No noise, no other people, no thoughts or worries, no yesterday, no tomorrow. The World just stops, and it is a beautiful place, and there is only you. Just you, and my eyes staring at you. Sunday, November 10, 2013. I had a great time in Nepal. My first time doing trekking. I would love to do more of them. Tuesday, April 2, 2013. Here comes the year again.
Thursday, June 9, 2011. Writing on my blog after almost four years. Many things have happened in the meantime. Got transferred from New York to Amman in July 2008. Living in Amman for almost three years now. The most important thing in my life has happened on the early morning of September 03 2009, when me and Sayma were blessed with a baby boy. We kept his name as SAARIM FAREES ISLAM. He is one year nine months old now. Here is his pic on his first birthday with his mom and dad. Friday, August 10, 2007.
Wednesday, January 11, 2017. The Tale of the Missing Mitten. Once upon a time, there was a mitten. The mitten knew very little about himself. He knew that he was little. He knew that he was red. He knew that he fit exclusively on the left hand of a small boy with red hair. Where is your other mitten? The little mitten hea.
Mijały minuty, może godziny. Nie obchodziło mnie to w ogóle. Siedziałam ciągle na podłodze obok swojego byłego chłopaka. Kurczę, jak trudno było mi uwierzyć, że jeszcze dziś rano kochałam go nad wieki. Westchnęłam cicho i oderwałam się niechętnie od Jacoba. On pewnie źle się czuł z tym, że nadal mnie przytulał mimo tego, że już mnie nie kochał. Powoli się z tym godziłam.
Martes, 29 de noviembre de 2016. The Prizefighter And The Lady, W. Van Dyke, 1933 V. Jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2016. Moulin Rouge, 1934 V. Viernes, 28 de agosto de 2009. Como niña con zapatos nuevos. Como en toda nueva época o era o siglo que se precie, los primeros años son siempre titubeantes y las actitudes personales, serias novatadas, como niños en una palabra. Y como niña con zapatos nuevos .
Kalendarz Adwentowy - dzień 12. Dzisiaj w 12 okienku Kalendarza Adwentowego możecie znaleźć różową spódnicę za 90sm. Kalendarz HB - dzien 12. Dziś w Kalendarzu HB możemy kupić okno za 18 sd. Nowa lalka dla SS-Julia Savicheva. Ruska piosenkarka,urodzona 14 lutego 1987 .