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Friday, July 22, 2011. So I decided that its time I updated everyone on our life.
Journey with us throughout our 6 months in the beautiful country of Spain. Tuesday, May 26, 2009. As for me, I have learned that writing is something I enjoy doing, and apparently other people enjoy reading. So, if you happen to be one of them, I will make a shameless plug for my new addition. Thursday, April 16, 2009.
Sunday, March 9, 2014. Taide on kokemus, jonka taiteen kokija saa kohdatessaan teoksen. Yrittäessään ymmärtää taideteosta, katsoja vertaa mielensä sopukoissa teosta kaikkeen aikaisemmin näkemiinsä taideteoksiin. Niiden avulla hän selittää itselleen, miten teosta tulisi katsella. Viihteen vastinpari on taide, joka vaatii huomiota, pohdintaa ja tutkimista.
Tutut, höpsähtävät elämän pituisen matkan kirjoittelut. Pikakatsaus menneeseen- katse kuitenkin tulevaisuuteen. Uusi Vuosi, Uudet kujeet. Mulla oli teille tuossa videokin tehtynä, mutta se jäi sitten julkaisematta. Lähinnä palasin kesään, ja mitä silloin tapahtui. Olin töissä, oikeastaan koko kesän. Parhaan ystävän häät ja sain toimia hänelle kaasona. Olen saanut lääkkeitä, kortisoonia, fysio.
Monday, May 4, 2009. Last Thursday we finished our work at the American School because they have spring break this week. This last week will be spent with friends and host families. Tuesday and Wednesday are pretty full of visits, and Thursday and Friday will be final goodbyes, plus cleaning and packing. That we would have peace of mind knowing the Coordinator knows what He is doing and has a plan through it all.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008. Being the crazy mom that I am. I walked around the block until I found a yard with some trees so that I could take pictures of Hayden playing in the leaves. I asked a poor, unsuspecting neighbor for the use of her yard and she prolly, no, definitely, thought I was nuts. But Hayden did get to play in the leaves and we had fun. Sunday, November 23, 2008. Sidewalk chalk dog prints lead our guests to our home.
I went LIVE on YouTube! Long time no blog. Well, this is going to be short and sweet. I was getting a ton of sweet emails from viewers on YouTube that are in school and wanted to ask questions for term papers. I mean, how many of you remember having to interview a teacher. First off what is phonics? The instruction that I am going to give you is for phonics instruction.