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My stay in Sudan is now over. Tonight I will go back to Norway, with mixed feelings. To sum things up, I have chosen some pictures for this last blog post from Sudan. When I came to Khartoum almost nine months ago, I remember there were quite a few things that stroke me as strange. That you do the dishes like this - in cold water without soap. That dinner is prepared like this.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010. Tuesday, May 18, 2010. National day celebration in Arendal,Norway. Children having fun during rally.
Red Cross activities - also in Norway. Who would have thought? But, yes, back in Norway and the work is not over yet. We have two months of after work and information is an important part of this. A warm welcome by Ole Jørgen Krohn-Nydal og Charlott Gyllenhammar Nordström in Trondheim. I had a presentation to my old co-workers and volunteers. From my district chapter in Norway. Who has been staying in Arendal in the southern part of Norway. This is all of us Youth Delegates this year.
Al-Sadiq explains how to put on a headbandage at the firstaid course in Marghania. The voulnteers are practicing firstaid on Anniken. Two women at the firstaid course in Shuhada practicing bandage for burns on the chest. Hei Selma, kan du komme inn på kontoret til Onor? Men før vi forhandler om pris, må bussen inspiserer; er den bra nok? Zuhur checking one the strategy work of one of the groups in the workshop.
Friday, August 27, 2010. I am finally back home and i am just starting to come to terms with it. My last days in Norway were pretty hectic with the homecoming seminar, Øy 2010 National Youth camp and preparations to head back home in Rwanda. Southern delegates at the homecoming seminar. Registration at the Øy 2010 National Youth camp. April, April, April.
Saturday, April 25, 2015. Here are some photographs taken by the persons at Balkot and Kaushaltar Areas. We would like to tell people to stay safe. Our volunteers are out in the field for search and rescue operation in Bhaktapur District. Here are some pictures of Bhaktapur and Madyapur Thimi uploaded by various people on their facebook page. You can watch further latest videos and photos by clicking here. Posted by Nepal Red Cross Society Balkot Sub Branch.
8th of May is the International Red Cross and Red Crescent day. Daniel, Harald and Jonathan - ready for zebra crossing activity! Painting. Police is helping with the traffic. The week lasted from the 3. Of May and was finalized with a big celebration in the Huye Stadium on the 8.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010. Møre og Romsdal Red Cross Annual Meeting,. The Annual District Metting Banner Hanging Above The Entry To Union Hotel In Geiranger. Wednesday, April 7, 2010. Wednesday, February 10, 2010.
Emil gjør Nepal og Nepal gjør Emil. Her om dagen tok jeg turen til Røde Kors sine kontorer i Tromsø hvor det var blitt invitert en HIV informant ifra organisasjonen HIV Norge. For de som måtte lure er en HIV informant en person som lever med HIV, som reiser rundt og forteller om hvordan det er å leve med HIV, enkelt og greit. Som alltid, beklager at jeg ikke har annet kamera enn en iphone, kvaliteten blir det man betaler for.
Farvel til Afrika for denne gong. Juni 5, 2010 av haraldviken. Eg har opplevd utruleg mykje spanande sidan 13. september, då eg landa her i Nairobi. Difor sit eg no veldig takksam for at eg har fått denne sjansen og at eg valde å gripe han. Saman med frivillige, alle un.
Friday, 24 April 2009. Posted by SR PKN Bukit Beruang Tutong II. Posted by SR PKN Bukit Beruang Tutong II. Friday, 13 February 2009. Posted by SR PKN Bukit Beruang Tutong II. Tuesday, 20 January 2009. READING CORNER IN THE CLASSROOM. Posted by SR PKN Bukit Beruang Tutong II.
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Sudski prevodilac za arapski jezik, Beograd. Prevođenje je stanje duha određeno nepripadanjem. Prevod na srpski jezik s jerusalimskog vernakulara južnolevantinskog dijalekta arapskog jezika. S jednom originalnom pričom datom u arapskom pismu na izvornom dijalektu.
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