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Cheap web hosting on Unix servers for business and personal sites. Subject interest areas and community activities for residents. Family friendly, safe surf and non-violent. Mythological Greek cyber park for members to interact and role play in if desired.
Honoring the Accomplishments of Antiquity. Tuesday, December 26, 2017. Review of Hannibal by Patrick N. Now we have a new biography of Hannibal. You will come away with a thorough perspective on the man and the general.
My current project is a series of ten novels set in the Age of Chivalry. Watch for excerpts and updates here. Friday, August 7, 2015. 8221; One of the knights was screaming in terror. Fortunately, Lord Balian came out of the building and seeing what was happening just grabbed my saddle from the off-side and hauled himself into it.
I have knelt before the tomb of the Athenians at Marathon. As with many 2400-year-old battlefields, most of Marathon is the victim of development. Although historians continue to debate over the exact positions of the Greek and Persian armies in 490 BC, the reality is that modern buildings and streets cover much of the terrain.
A Biographical Novel in Three Parts. In 480 BC he would defy an army half a million strong. But who was he? This is his story. From his boyhood in the infamous Spartan agoge to the last stand of the 300 at Thermopylae, Leonidas and his queen, Gorgo, are brought to life. Praise from Kathleen Ann Langley.
A Divine and Human View of Leonidas the Lion. Spirit of the Warrior Journeys 2015. Drakon Order of Warrior Philosophers.
This blog is dedicated to discussing the Crusader Kingdoms of Jerusalem and Cyprus. I will post information about the history and legacy of these remarkable kingdoms, as well as post reviews of books relevant to the crusades and the Crusader Kingdoms. Friday, August 14, 2015. Medieval Caravan on the Silk Road. Nearly as much as enemy action. Unfortunately, there is no detailed account of.
Ο Τήλεφος ήταν γιός του Ηρακλέους. Επειδή ήταν καρπός παράνομου έρωτα, ο Αλέας τον εγκατέλειψε στο όρος Παρθένιο. Εκεί με την παρέμβαση των θεών διασώθηκε θηλάζοντας από ελαφίνα και κατόπιν ανατράφηκε από βοσκούς.
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