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Free Returnable Smile Power! A SMILE IS THE ONLY FREE GIFT THAT IS IMEDIATELY JOYFULLY RETUNABLE AND EXCHANGEABLE. EVERY SINGLE TIME! SENDING SMILES TO YOU! I EMBRACE Our Interuptions as Divine Appointments with OUR LORD. THAT WE MAY BLESS OTHERS and BE BLESSED By THEM! Both you and I can too refuse to entertain negativity because All things are POSSIBLE with GOD! Break the chains that bind all. Speak up! View my complete profile. LET HIS SONSHINE POUR OUT ONTO OTHERS THROUGH YOUR SMILING HEART! You can .
A Carpenters Wife is Never Bored! THOUGH BOARDED-UP FROM TIME TO TIME.
QUILTED With LOVE by the SONSHINEY STITCHER! SonShiney Smiles Quilted TOGETHER WITH LOVE FOR YOU. Let Me Create Flowers of any kind for you for all occassions. Proms, Graduations, Weddings. FOR a LUCKY WINNER at the COUNTRY BINGO! Saturday, September 8, 2012.
YOU TOO CAN BE CHASED DOWN BY BLESSINGS Everywhere you GO when you CHOOSE to be a Blessing to others every time you step into a room! Begin by GIVING AWAY that BILLION DOLLAR Smile of Yours. Never place your SMILE under a Bushell Basket, but rather FLASH IT every Direction your Face Ever Turns. SO WHY Eat the Bread of Anxious Toil? Madisonville, LA 70447.
EVEN FRAGMENTS ARE PRECIOUS TO OUR ALMIGHTY FATHER. Everything and everyone are precious to Our Lord God, and ALMIGHTY FATHER! What is not useful to one can be to another. not that there is never waste to be burned. But many folks devalue and waste LIFE itself! WASTE what is precious both to GOD and other men, because of their fullness and lack of vision. Unable to see like Jerrimiah a new VISION for which GOD has given you what HE has given! Wednesday, June 26, 2013. Had been out most of the day; we sta.
For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. Who We Are In Christ! October 10, 2014. Who We Are In Christ.
What Does It Really Mean to Love Jesus? September 26, 2011. For most of us reading this article, this detailed scene has nothing to do with the way we are living. Let me describe another situation, with a vastly different backdrop, that can be and in many cases is, just as corrupt. Let me ask you a question, what does it mean to Love Jesus? I intended to write to you concerning this question. Reallywhat does it mean to love Jesus? September 26, 2011. To start a fresh post.
Sunday September 5, 2010. Sunday August 29, 2010.
Auch auf der Ebene der Form ist der Kurs in Wundern ein wahres Weltwunder. Noch niemals gab es in der Literatur der Menschheit derart ausführliche und präzise Mengen des 5-füssigen Jambus, geschweigedenn als Resultat eines inneren Diktates. Es folgt hier ein Artikel von Alden Hughes, als PDF, zu diesem Phänomen.