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Terça-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2014. Pelo simples direito de amar. A câmara agora diz que vai barrar qualquer lei que ouse aceitar a união que já era garantida ao homossexual. Estranha essa tal de câmara, que barra plebiscito, faz de tudo para aprovar a PEC do pode roubar, vota cura gay, mas se opõe a tudo que acha que pode atrapalhar. Que comentário desleal em rede nacional dizer que não devemos nos coagir a esse grupo tal. Grupo tal seria esse o homossexual? Eu negro, eu pardo, eu.
Coral Gables Emergency Communications Team. Comments Off on December Meeting Minutes. On December 13, 2014. Coral Gables Zone Net on Wednesday 7pm usually on 147. Main net will be on the 146.
Saturday, November 26, 2011. Thanksgiving is always a time for everyone to say what they are grateful for and of course I have SO much to be grateful for in my life! This year we spent the holiday with my family at my parents house where my mom and aunt Nena baked a delicious meal! With all the yummy dishes required to have the perfect Thanksgiving Dinner. We took turns battling it out which seriously was so much fun and provided us not only with a great workout but some serious laughs. I have been a MAJ.
Egin salto lehenengo mailako edukira. Egin salto bigarren mailako edukira. Bakaikun da iraileko lehen hamabostaldian barnetegian ikastera animatu den koadrila. Lehenik eta behin esan behar dugu orain arte izugarrizko zortea izan dugula eguraldiarekin.