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Suzanne Jones Lawyers is a boutique law firm based in Kew, Melbourne that specialises in estate planning and deceased estates. The firm prides itself on providing friendly service and sound legal advice to its clients. Drafting, reviewing and updating wills and powers of attorney. Establishing, reviewing and amending discretionary and family trusts. Applying for grants of probate and letters of administration. Making and defending estate claims.
鍦板 绂忓缓鐪佹硥宸炲崡瀹夊競闇炵編闀囨花姹熸満姊拌 澶囦骇涓氬熀鍦帮紝鏄 笓涓氬埗閫犳贩鍑濆湡澧欎綋鐮屽潡銆佷繚娓 爩鍧椼 佸僵鑹茶矾闈 爾銆佹按鍒 姢鍧 爾銆佽矾娌跨煶绛夋垚鍨嬭 澶? 鏁村彴璁惧 鐨勭敓浜с 佽繍杈撱 佸畨瑁呫 佽皟璇曘 傝揣鐗 繍杈撳彲鐢? 鎴戝叕鍙镐唬鍔炶繍杈撲害鍙 敱鐢ㄦ埛鑷 瑙e喅銆傛垜鍏 徃闀挎湡涓? 姹借溅銆佺伀杞 佹捣娲嬭繍杈撹 涓氭湁绋冲浐鐨勪笟鍔 叧绯伙紝鑳藉 淇濊瘉濡傛湡鍙戣繍锛岄櫎涓嶅彲鎶楀姏鍥犵礌锛岄兘鑳藉 淇濊瘉鎸夋椂渚? 鎶 鏈 敮鎸侊細 KEW.
市场专员 学历 不限 人数 10. 前台接待 学历 大专及以上 人数 3.