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Thursday, December 11, 2008. Tuesday, December 2, 2008. The SLCA blog is undergoing some changes right now, so please be patient if there are very few posts for a little while. It will all be worth it in the end. Monday, November 17, 2008. Did you think that just because the first concert of the season is over you can no longer buy season tickets? Well, think again! Sunday, November 16, 2008.
So sorry! After our whirlwind, we bussed to Arezzo where our competition is being held. We took it easy on Wednesday night and then got straight to work on Thursday morning.
銆愯儨鍒 數瑙嗗彴銆戯細鐩涘 楗 瑕佸潎琛? 銆愯儨鍒 數瑙嗗彴銆戯細涓 績鍖婚櫌涓庣編鍥絇rovision鍖荤枟鏈嶅姟涓 績杈炬垚鍚堜綔. 鑴戠 鍖婚櫌涓捐 涓滆惀鎬ユ х己琛 鎬у崚涓 揣鎬ユ不鐤楃爺. 銆愯儨鍒 棩鎶ャ 戯細鍖荤敓宸у 閫 绾 寘. 娉屽翱澶栫 鍙 紑涓滆惀鍦板尯妫掔姸姘村泭鍓嶅垪鑵烘墿寮 鏈? 鍖婚櫌鍏氬 鍙 紑棰嗗 鐝 瓙鈥滀笁涓ヤ笁瀹炩 濈 涓 涓撻 . 鍏充簬杞 彂灞 绀句繚涓 績銆婂叧浜庤繘涓 姝ヨ 鑼? 鐗归暱锛氫腑蹇冨尰闄 甯 尰瀛 笓瀹讹紝鏈夊潥瀹炵殑. 鐗归暱锛氭搮闀胯瘖娌伙細鎱 ц儍鐐庛 佹秷鍖栨 ф簝鐤? 鐗归暱锛氬 骞存潵涓 鐩翠粠浜嬮 婀垮厤鐤 柧鐥呯殑涓? 鐗归暱锛氫粠浜嬪尰瀛 奖鍍忓 鍖荤枟銆佹暀瀛 拰绉戠爺. 鐗归暱锛氫粠浜嬫 ヨ瘖鍒涗激锛岄 绉戯紝鎵嬭冻澶栫 锛? 鐗归暱锛氬 鑴戣 绠 梾鐨勪竴绾ч 闃层 佷簩绾ч 闃? 銆佷复搴婅緭琛 锛氱枒闅鹃厤琛 銆佽 鍨嬮壌.
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